Back Pain

Back pain is a common problem, plaguing an estimated 50 percent of working Americans. In general, close to 65 million Americans have reported experiencing back pain recently. Fortunately, you don't have to turn to invasive surgeries or a potentially addictive medication to combat your pain, promote healing, and manage other problems associated with your back pain. Southwest ChiroMed is here to help reduce and eliminate your back pain.


The Causes of Back Pain

Back pain may be chronic or acute and is especially common since it affects those with very active lifestyles as well as those with sedentary lifestyles. One cause of chronic back pain is arthritis. Other possible causes of chronic back pain include spinal stenosis, disc herniation, a bulging disc, or fibromyalgia, just to name a few examples. Also, you may have chronic back pain if you continue to perform the same repetitive activities daily.

On the other hand, you could have acute back pain from repetitive use. You may develop a strain or a sprain in your back. A strain is when you overexert a muscle while a sprain occurs when you stretch or tear your ligaments. A herniated disc can also lead to acute back pain and so could tendinitis in your back. 

How a Chiropractor Addresses Back Pain

When you visit a chiropractor for back pain treatment, the chiropractor will begin by assessing your medical history and then conduct a complete physical evaluation of the area where you're experiencing the problems. We will also want to know more about your condition and may perform imaging to diagnose the problem more accurately.

One of the more common treatments a chiropractor uses is a chiropractic adjustment. Also referred to as an alignment, this particular treatment consists of a chiropractor positioning you on a table and manually moving the vertebrae in your back that are irritating the surrounding nerves and tissues. This realignment also helps blood, specifically the nutrients within the blood, to circulate throughout your back to promote faster healing.

The chiropractor may also recommend spinal decompression, which is a treatment that helps separate the discs in your back. Ultimately, this treatment allows the injured discs to heal easier. Our chiropractor may advise you to undergo massage or exercise therapy to help with the healing process. Massage therapy breaks up the tight muscles and encourages blood flow while the exercise therapy helps move your back slowly to help with function as well as improve the range of motion in your back. 

Local Back Pain Treatment

One of our chiropractors may use one or more treatments to help with your back pain. The treatments reach the root of your problem and cause little to no side effects. If you are one of the millions of Americans that suffer from back pain daily, contact Southwest ChiroMed today for fast and effective back pain relief. Call our Buckeye office today at 623-393-8767 or our Goodyear office at 623-932-5200 to schedule an appointment.



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Buckeye Office


8:30 am-5:30 pm


8:30 am-5:30 pm


8:30 am-5:30 pm


8:30 am-5:30 pm







Goodyear Office


9:00 am-5:30 pm


9:00 am-5:30 pm


9:00 am-5:30 pm


9:00 am-5:30 pm


9:00 am-1:00 pm



