Auto Injuries

Innovative, Evidence-Based Auto Injury Treatment in Buckeye and Goodyear

Nobody gets into their car in the morning expecting to get into an accident. But with thousands of auto accidents happening every day, it is possible you may have to deal with an auto injury at some point. If the unexpected and unwanted ever does happen, our chiropractor staff at Southwest ChiroMed is here to help. We use research-supported chiropractic techniques to help people recover from auto injury as quickly as possible. 


Types of Auto Accident Injury

Whether you are in a major incident or a minor fender bender, car crashes expose your neck, back, and other body parts to large acceleration and deceleration forces. These can strain tissues, trigger underlying inflammation, and even misalign or dislocate certain joints. 

At our chiropractic clinics in Goodyear and Buckeye, our chiropractors treat whiplash, concussion and post-concussive syndrome, shoulder dislocations, rotator cuff strains, low back pain, sciatica, disc herniation, muscle strains, and hip pain caused by auto accidents. A lot of our patients come to us weeks after their injury, not realizing they were hurt at the time of the accident. This delayed onset of symptoms can happen if stress hormones that surged at the time of the accident block or mask symptoms of injury. 

This is why we always advise you to seek a chiropractor after an auto accident, even if you don't think anything's wrong. You may have underlying tissue inflammation or signs of damage that our staff can detect and address early on, therefore helping you avoid bigger issues later.

Chiropractic Care for Auto Accident Injury: What to Expect

When you see a chiropractor in Goodyear or Buckeye for help recovering from an auto accident injury, you will get taken through a thorough physical examination and medical history assessment. This helps us paint the picture of who you are and what your lifestyle and health goals are like. Then, we will get to work assessing and diagnosing your injury and implementing a customized treatment plan to alleviate your symptoms, with services ranging from massage and physical therapy to chiropractic adjustments and corrective exercise prescription. 

The great thing about working with a chiropractor is that we can provide effective and long-lasting pain relief by using techniques that address root causes of auto accident injury. It is not about a band-aid approach, but about identifying all the underlying factors contributing to your pain—including some factors (like poor movement mechanics or postural imbalances) which may have existed before your accident!

Call Southwest ChiroMed Today!

If you live near Buckeye or Goodyear, AZ and are looking for help after your auto accident, call SouthWest ChiroMed today to schedule an appointment:



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Office Hours

Our Regular Schedule

Buckeye Office


8:30 am-5:30 pm


8:30 am-5:30 pm


8:30 am-5:30 pm


8:30 am-5:30 pm







Goodyear Office


9:00 am-5:30 pm


9:00 am-5:30 pm


9:00 am-5:30 pm


9:00 am-5:30 pm


9:00 am-1:00 pm



